Team Kenya Outreach (TKO) is a ministry of the 510 Foundation, closely tied to NFCN and its global outreach.
New Scent Centre
TKO is focusing this year’s support on the New Scent Centre International in Kenya, rescuing girls from sexual abuse and sex trafficking all while raising awareness concerning gender-based violence.
In Kenya...
- 83% of women and girls report one or more episodes of physical abuse in childhood
- 75% of women report having suffered from gender-based domestic violence in the homestead
- 46% of women report at least one incident of sexual abuse as a child
- 36% of rural women report having experienced female genital mutilation
- 25% report losing their virginity by force
These statistics are staggering and we are stepping into this part of the world to make a difference.
The Kenya Gender-Based Violence Partnership unites several different organizations with like-minded goals to collaborate in the development of a multi-faceted response to the problem of GBV.
Nazarene Compassionate Organization of Kenya is a faith-based, non-profit organization grounded in the Church of the Nazarene. We are spreading the message of holiness and making a difference in people and communities with emphasis on the growth of individuals spiritually, physically, mentally, morally and psycho-socially.
Hope Farm - The Poultry Project
the Poultry Project provides sustainable animal and egg protein to the food-desert community in Lodwar, Kenya.
Since 2014, the NFCN & 510 Foundation has sent numerous teams to Kenya to combat the oppression of gender-based violence. Through a partnership with Strategic Applications International, Servant Forge, and the Church of the Nazarene, teams have accomplished a wide range of projects:
Partnered with the Lodwar Church of the Nazarene to build a community center, church building, and the Hope Farm, which is one of our dearest and most successful projects. On the Hope Farm, we are working on the Poultry Project to further help the local community.

The Kenya Gender-Based Violence Partnership is building its initiatives around five pillars. These five integrated services focus on counseling survivors, strengthening families, and improving community support and response to GBV.
The Five Pillars:
- Training to address how community institutions can support a no-tolerance stance on GBV and, as these institutions are often the “first responders,” how to counsel survivors.
- Counseling services to be provided to survivors of GBV by locally trained counselors.
- Integrated service delivery through a GBV Resource Center – Wings of Hope – including crisis counseling, access to medical services, access to law enforcement, child support, and post-crisis support for employment and survival.
- Family Reunification, seeking to reconnect families that have been torn apart by famine, war, and human migration.
- Sustainable Agriculture component that is initially focused on Lodwar, where the local beneficiaries of famine relief funds have raised funds and purchased 100 acres of land so they can raise maize, beans, watermelon, and other crops.

VanMullen Medical Clinic
Reaching Beyond International (510 Foundation) & Nashville First Church of the Nazarene is proud to be building the Van Mullen Medical Clinic in Haiti. The building is up and running. The ultimate plan is sustainability, and we’re closer than ever before!
There are up to 100,000 people whom this clinic can serve, who otherwise would be hours away from the nearest medical care. Besides medical care, the clinic provides education on sanitation, prevention of transmissible diseases, nutrition, perinatal, and dental health.
Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. The motivation of RBI is to show the love of God to a needy world by providing much-needed medical resources.
Our health center in Haiti provides essential medical care for the people living in the remote area of Pernier II and its surroundings. Through this outpatient clinic, we are expanding the healthcare options to provide general consultations, natal care, minor surgical procedures, dental, and nutrition care. This even includes a pharmacy and a laboratory.
You can make a difference today.
GO WITH US: We welcome all medical skills in various health care settings, including the non-medical. If you have a desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the hurting, RBI can use you.
SPONSOR A STAFF MEMBER: You can sponsor a local staff member to work at the clinic or volunteer to go.
GIVE TODAY: Help us purchase much-needed medications and other materials. You can also donate a financial contribution to fund the efforts.
PRAY WITHOUT CEASING: Pray for God to supply the needs and empower our teams.